"Mr. Wonderful" by James Robson - May 2013

Directed by David Darby

Production Manager / Asst. Director Jon Jones

The Cast (in order of appearance)

Eric Box

Jon Jones

Barmaid Rosa Keen
Norma Green Sarah Taylor
Phoebe Green Val Petty
Drunk Alan Haydock
Geoff Lazenby Phil Hawyes

Sebastian St. Clair

Stan Harbidge


James Telling

Lop Wink

Terry Hall


Jim Wallis

Norma & Geoff


Set in Manchester in the late 1990's. The action takes place at various times in a pub, in Phoebe's room, the Sea Brink Hotel in Southport and the front room of the Green's house.

Norma is looking for Mr Wonderful but will she find him in the local paper's lonely hearts column? Norma's ageing mother thinks so, and spends her time picking out likely candidates for Norma to share her life with. Norma is not so sure.

Meanwhile Phoebe, Norma's mother, has her own Mr Wonderful - a ragged teddy bear who is her best friend, confidant and surrogate grand-child. At her happiest tucked up in bed with Mr Wonderful, the telly and a box of Liquorice Allsorts, her romance days are over, and she only has Norma's happiness to worry about!

Interval - approximately 20 minutes

Phoebe, Geoff & Norma

The Production Team

Stage Manager

Christine Harbidge

  Ian Johnson


Annette Ayres


Carol Radford

  Rosa Keen

Sound & Lighting

Clive Holland


Lynne Holland

Set Design 

David Darby

  Jon Jones

Set Construction

Bob Terry &

  Group Members


Jon Jones


Annette Ayres

Ticket Sales

Christine Harbidge

Front of House /



Sue Terry


Sally Anderson

In addition we thank all our non-member helpers who assist us with set construction, lighting set up, front of house and refreshments.

Sebastian, Jimmy & Norma
Norma & Eric Lop Wink & Norma
Waiter & Norma Curtain Call